Godfather Joe Arpaio?
by Richard Barbuto
The public, not to mention criminals themselves, love nicknames and catchy phrases.The use of nicknames, on the one hand, contributes to the folklore of criminals, while on the other hand, can strike terror into the hearts of normal citizens. Who can forget "He sleeps with the fishes" or "I made him an offer he couldn't refuse" (Yes, I know those phrases came from a movie but cut me a little slack here, it's a blog.) And what about nicknames such as Thomas Three Fingers Brown, Lefty Two Guns Ruggiero, and Tony Big Tuna Accardo? And who can forget Crazy Joe Gallo and Legs Diamond?
So I began to think that Joe Arpaio, the current sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona and notable for not caring about the law, should have a nickname just like a hoodlum. After all, if someone wants to act like a miscreant he should be given all the privileges and appurtenances thereto. I noticed that Scott Greenfield over at Simple Justice, http://blog.simplejustice.us/ already has taken to calling the sheriff Crazy Joe, but I felt that to be an insult to crazy people. I thought of Maricopa Joe but that seemed a little folksy, as though maybe he was a calypso dancer. Try as I might I did not come up with anything I liked. I suspect the lack of inspiration had to do with it being the end of the year with all that entails.
Then it came to me! Godfather! Yes!!! Think of it. Here is a guy that does not care a bit for the rule of law. He already has a consiglieri, what's his name, the county attorney and some might consider the deputy sheriffs to be his family/crew. It is perfect! He might even call himself Big Joe after Big Paul Castellano who was gunned down just outside Sparks Steakhouse in midtown Manhattan in one of the most notorious mob hits in New York City organized crime history. Parenthetically, for years after the Castellano shooting diners at Sparks would ask to be seated in the non-shooting section. Hmmmmm--I wonder if the feds have thought about a RICO action. The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act worked wonders in dismantling the Gambino and Genovese crime families. Although the sheriff's crowd may be better armed. Certainly they have nicer offices.
Zowee! I feel much better now! Someone should notify the Deparrment of Justice about this. And while they are at it someone might want to notify the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. They always like a fight.
Some who will read this might suggest that Big Joe is a voter favorite. What do the voters know, they elected George W. Bush twice (sort of).
If any of you come up with a name you like better please pass it along. I promise to give it consideration before rejecting it.
I wish all of you the best new year possible!
So I began to think that Joe Arpaio, the current sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona and notable for not caring about the law, should have a nickname just like a hoodlum. After all, if someone wants to act like a miscreant he should be given all the privileges and appurtenances thereto. I noticed that Scott Greenfield over at Simple Justice, http://blog.simplejustice.us/ already has taken to calling the sheriff Crazy Joe, but I felt that to be an insult to crazy people. I thought of Maricopa Joe but that seemed a little folksy, as though maybe he was a calypso dancer. Try as I might I did not come up with anything I liked. I suspect the lack of inspiration had to do with it being the end of the year with all that entails.
Then it came to me! Godfather! Yes!!! Think of it. Here is a guy that does not care a bit for the rule of law. He already has a consiglieri, what's his name, the county attorney and some might consider the deputy sheriffs to be his family/crew. It is perfect! He might even call himself Big Joe after Big Paul Castellano who was gunned down just outside Sparks Steakhouse in midtown Manhattan in one of the most notorious mob hits in New York City organized crime history. Parenthetically, for years after the Castellano shooting diners at Sparks would ask to be seated in the non-shooting section. Hmmmmm--I wonder if the feds have thought about a RICO action. The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act worked wonders in dismantling the Gambino and Genovese crime families. Although the sheriff's crowd may be better armed. Certainly they have nicer offices.
Zowee! I feel much better now! Someone should notify the Deparrment of Justice about this. And while they are at it someone might want to notify the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. They always like a fight.
Some who will read this might suggest that Big Joe is a voter favorite. What do the voters know, they elected George W. Bush twice (sort of).
If any of you come up with a name you like better please pass it along. I promise to give it consideration before rejecting it.
I wish all of you the best new year possible!

Good idea.
How about "Say It Ain't So Joe" it's been done too but might fit.
And one more thing just for the record;
"What do the voters know, they elected George W. Bush twice (sort of)"
Yep, they sure did and just look at what they have elected this time around.
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